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THIS WEB SITE GENERALLY: The materials that constitute this web site have been prepared by West Manchester Township for informational purposes only and are presented without any representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information. Viewers of this web site should not act upon this information without verifying its accuracy with West Manchester Township. The information contained in this web site is provided only as general information, which may or may not reflect the most current information about West Manchester Township.
Links to information on sites other than those operated by or on behalf of West Manchester Township are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. West Manchester Township does not control, provide, any content or information at these sites nor make any representation or warranty with respect these sites or their content or operate or take responsibility for information. West Manchester Township neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and your use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.
Our West Manchester Township Coat of Arms Logo in the upper left constitutes the official web site of West Manchester Township. No other web site, provider or service is authorized to provide online information regarding the affairs of the government of West Manchester Township.
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International Standard ISO 690-2 Information and documentation — Bibliographic references — Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof 7.12.1 Online documents Information for identifying and locating the source of the document cited shall be provided for online documents. This information should be identified by the words “Available from” or an equivalent phrase. The location information for online documents within a computer network such as the Internet shall refer to the copy of the document that was actually seen and should include the method of access to the document (e.g. HTTP) as well as the network address for its location [and hyperlink path]. The elements of location information (e.g. address of the host computer, directory name, file name) shall be transcribed with the same punctuation, upper case and lower case letters as given in the source.
- Meeting Minutes [online]. January 2016.
Available from World Wide Web: <a href=””> Board of Supervisors: January 2016 Minutes</a>. - Zoning Map [online]. Available from World Wide Web: <a href=””> Zoning, Zoning Map</a>.
- Application for Building Permit [online]. Available from World Wide Web: <a href=””> Zoning, Permits</a>.