The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet in-person on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA 17408 to hear the following applications:

CONTINUED ZHB Case #21-16 – Robin Ness – requests a variance §150-56.B to reduce the required side yard setback for two (2) accessory structures (detached carport and detached shed) from the required five (5) feet to zero (0) feet and a variance of §150-57 to exceed the maximum height for an accessory structure (detached carport) from the required fifteen (15) feet to the requested eighteen (18) feet located at 1270 West College Avenue (Tax Map: 17; Parcel: 0125) in the R-3 Residential Zone.

ZHB Case #21-17 – Blair Image Elements c/o Zoning Resources for Weis Markets – requests a variance of Section 150-283.B Permitted Permanent Sign Chart P-9D to increase the number and size for attached signs for individual uses within a shopping center located at 1800 Roosevelt Avenue (Tax Map: JH Parcel: 0019F0C0001) in the Highway Commercial Zone.

ZHB Case #21-18 – Blair Image Elements c/o Zoning Resources for Weis Market – requests a variance of Section 150-283.B Permitted Permanent Sign Chart P-9D to increase the number and size for attached signs for individual uses within a shopping center located at 2160 White Street (Tax Map: JH; Parcel: 0055F) in the Regional Commercial Zone.

All interested parties are invited to attend. Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how best to accommodate your needs.

Thank you.

\s\ Rachelle Sampere

Zoning Officer