2020 Zoning Hearing Board – April 28


The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA 17408 to hear the following applications: 

(CONTINUED) – ZHB 20-03 Robert Vandermark, Jr. – requests a Variance of Section 150-77.D.3 to reduce the required rear yard setback for a single-family detached dwelling located at 504 South Adams Street (Tax Map: 17; Parcel: 28A) in the R-6 Residential Zone.

(CONTINUED) – ZHB 20-04 Lowe’s (Delco Plaza) – requests a Variance of Section 150-262.D.2 to hold seasonal sales within a parking lot longer than the permitted 45 days located at 1175 Carlisle Road (Tax Map: JH; Parcel: 0055B) in the Regional Commercial Zone. 

(CONTINUED) – ZHB 20-05 Bridgestone Retail Operations – requests a Variance Section 150-135.H to be permitted to have an automobile parts store and service repair facility which is not accessory to a department or variety store and a Variance of Section 150-283.B Permitted Permanent Signs (Sign Chart P-9A and P-9D) to increase the maximum number and size located at 715 Town Center Drive Lot 4 (Tax Map: JH; Parcel: 56U) in the Regional Commercial Zone.

ZHB 20-06 – Jack E. Smith – requests a Variance of Section 150-231.F to exceed the maximum width of a residential driveway curb cut from the allowable 25 feet to 32 feet located at 786 Weldon Drive (Tax Map: 03; Parcel: 0324) in the R-3 Residential Zone.

ZHB 20-07 – Lynne Kay – requests a special exception Section 150-25.D and Section 150-342 for the noncommercial keeping of livestock and a variance of Section 150-30.B to exceed the maximum allowable height of an accessory structure located at 535 Trinity Road (Tax Map: HG; Parcel: 0115H) in the Rural Residential Zone.

All interested parties are invited to attend. Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how best to accommodate your needs.

\s\ Karla Farrell
